Happy Colon Cancer Awareness Month

I started off the month by getting a colonoscopy.  I’m supposed to get one annually to make sure I don’t develop another tumor in my colon.  The doctor removed three polyps, which is three too many for someone like me, but they were small.

The colonoscopy is not the scary part for me. However, what is scary, is being off of chemotherapy for six weeks prior to the colonoscopy and for two weeks following the procedure.  Chemotherapy has become a strange comfort for me in my cancer experience.  I had put off this most recent colonoscopy for two years because my chemo regimen has been working so well and I didn’t want to risk the spread of disease by going on a chemo break.  Since my last scan was clear, I thought this would be a good time for a colonoscopy.  And I pray that with faith, hope, and love, everything will be okay with my future scans.

I should have known I would get colon cancer because my butt has been my nemesis ever since I can remember.  As a child, my derriere was large in comparison to my body’s frame.  My brother kindly pointed it out to me on a regular basis through the nickname of tocks (short for buttocks).  Ironically, my shrinking rear was one of the reasons I initially thought something was wrong and went to the doctor.  I noticed it was getting smaller due to unintended weight loss. That is one of the possible signs of colon cancer.  Tomorrow let’s feel free to throw around some butt-talk and raise awareness of colon cancer.